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Our Privacy Policy

We believe in living up to your trust and thus have set it on a high priority to ensure that the security and confidentiality of your personal information at all times. Please read through this privacy policy document to learn more about our privacy practices. By paying a visit to this website, you are also accepting the practices that have been described herein.

We generally receive and store any piece of information that you enter while using our website or what you give us via any other medium. This includes all that information that can be used to identify you, such as your first and last name, your telephone number, delivery & postal as well as email address, billing information and more.


Responsibilities of Wayout Consultancy

Nature of Services

The GSC agrees to provide the services as detailed here under and as per Instruction and as may be required by Wayout Consultancy.

  1. GSTN Registration
  2. Upload of GST Returns of Customer
  3. Reconciliation of the GST returns for the Customer
  4. Maintenance of GST Books of Accounts of Customer (where needed by Payer)
  5. Digital Signature Provision
  6. Any other Product or Financial Services that Wayout Consultancy intends to add from time to time.

Details You Should Know About Privacy

We reserve the right to change or supplement this Privacy Policy document from time to time whenever there is some need to make amendments to it. Any kind of change in the way we make use of your personal information will be mentioned in future versions of this document. If any proposed change happens to be unacceptable to you, you may request to remove your personal information from our records.