Director Identification Number (DIN) is a mandatory requirement for all existing and new directors (or proposed directors) of a company.
DIN is an 8-digit Unique ID Number allotted to all directors with lifelong validity. It helps in acquiring data from all directors in a database.
All companies must register their Director in the MCA site. Their have DIN directory, It will contain all knowledge about the directors, such as their name, PAN number and also their present address. Any change in the address or other information needs to be updated immediately.
DIN number is compulsory for any person planning to register any Company in India and be a member of the Board of Directors. DIN number can be used for expressing a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or a current DPIN (Designated Partner Identification Number) that can be used for registering a Company.
DSC in the name of the DIN candidate must be secured before implementing for DIN number.
Digital Signature Certificate can be achieved through GST Suvidha Centres.
Digital Signature Certificates are announced in the kind of a USB token with a validity of 1 or 2 years. To implement and receive DSC, the applicant must submit the signed DSC application along with the identity and address proof of the candidate.
Identity Proof accepted for Digital Signature Certificate application
PAN Card : Mandatory for Indian Nationals
Passport : Acceptable for Foreign Nationals and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs)
Address Proof accepted for Digital Signature Certificate application
Passports Driving License Voters ID card Student SSC / HSC / Graduation / Post-graduation Degrees Certificate Birth certificate School leaving certificate Electricity bill Mobile / Telephone bill Water Bill Gas Bill Property Tax/ Corporation / Municipal Corporation Receipt Service Tax / VAT Tax / Sales Tax registration certificate Bank Statement attested by the banker PF statement.
Importance of DSC
Digital Signature Certificates help authenticate the personal information details of the individual holder when conducting business online.
Reduced cost and time : Instead of signing the hard copy documents physically and scanning them to send them via e-mail, you can digitally sign the PDF files and send them much more quickly. The Digital Signature certificate holder does not have to be physically present to conduct or authorize a business
Data integrity : Documents that are signed digitally cannot be altered or edited after signing, which makes the data safe and secure. The government agencies often ask for these certificates to cross-check and verify the business transaction.
Authenticity of documents : Digitally signed documents give confidence to the receiver to be assured of the signer’s authenticity. They can take action based on such documents without getting worried about the documents being forged.
DIN Number Registration
Once, DSC is received for the candidate, DIN Form can be listed with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The DIN form must be electronically signed with the Digital Signature Certificate; hence, the necessity for receiving DSC before DIN. The DIN form must also include a picture of the applicant along with identification and address proof. Once the DIN application is registered and the appeal is approved, DIN number is provided immediately. On submission of the required documents, the DIN cell would then allow the DIN number in 2 – 3 working days.
DIN numbers do not have an expiry period and no further agreement rules are needed for supporting the validity of a DIN number. DIN numbers are allotted by way of intimation through DIN allotment letter and no other documents is issued.
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