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CA Certification

CA Certification

A digital certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA) is known as CA Certification.

This Authority for the digital certificate is a trusted team that operates and distributes security certificates and public codes that are used for secure conversation in a common network. The CA is part of the public key infrastructure (PKI) along with the registration authority (RA) who confirms the data presented by a requester of a digital certificate. If the information is verified as correct, the certificate authority can then issue a certificate. This certificate contains data about the entity to which it has been issued, including it’s a public key and termination period for the certificate as well the entity’s name, communication data and other information linked to the certified entity.

Required Documents

  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Udhyog Aadhar
  • GST Certificate
  • Our Price

    Service Price GST Total
    CA Certification (Bank Verification Purpose)1500.00270.001770.00
    CA certification of itr computation (income upto 20 lacs)1500.00270.001770.00
    CA certification of itr computation (income above 20 lacs upto 30 lacs)3150.00567.003717.00
    CA certification of itr computation (income above 30 lacs upto 45 lacs)5000.00900.005900.00
    CA Certification of CMA report3900.00702.004602.00
    Courier charge on CA certifiaction100.0018.00118.00
    Statement of Net Worth Capital700.00126.00826.00
    CMA Report ( Without Certification by CA)2200.00396.002596.00
    CA certification of itr computation ( income above 45 lacs up to Rs. 1 Cr)6500.001170.007670.00
    CA certification of itr computation ( income above 1 Cr)15000.002700.0017700.00

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