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E-commerce operator who is required to deduct TCS(Tax Collected at Source) under GST is required to file GSTR 8. It comprises of details such as, the supplies effected through the e-commerce platform and the amount of tax collected at source (TCS) from e-commerce sellers and their GSTIN. Goods and Service Tax Network(GSTN) has provided an Excel-based GSTR 8 offline utility. The e-commerce operators can prepare their GSTR 8 form details offline by generating the JSON file. Once the return is prepared using offline utility, it is to be uploaded on GST Portal for filing GSTR 8.

What is the penalty for late filing for GSTR-8 filing?

A penalty of Rs.25000 can be levied on an e-commerce operator for each GSTR-8 filing not filed on-time by an e-commerce operator. In addition to the penalty for late filing of GSTR-8, interest penalty or fine could also be levied for late payment of TCS deducted and not remitted on-time.

Requirements for Filing GSTR-8

There are few preconditions for filing GSTR-8:

  • E-commerce operators should have an active GSTIN, and he or she should be a registered person only then tax return can be submitted.

  • Valid UserID and password is a must

  • Eligible tax filer should have the correct digital signature(DSC), and it should have a registered mobile number on the portal.

  • TCS amount should be collected only by the E-commerce Operator.

Required Documents

  • Login Credentials of GST Portal
  • Compete data of TCS deducted by E-Commerce Operator of all Deductees
  • Our Price

    Service Price GST Total
    GST E-Commerece Return (GSTR 8)850.00153.001003.00

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