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Every Tax deductor is required to furnish the details of TDS deducted at source, the number of TDS paid and payable, any refund of TDS claimed in GSTR 7. It shall get reflected into the credit ledger of the deductee when the deductor pays the amount of TDS.

The deductee i.e. the person whose TDS has been deducted can claim the input credit of such TDS deducted and utilize for the payment of output tax liability. The details of TDS deducted is available electronically to each of the deductees in PART ‘C’ of Form GSTR 2A after the due date of filing of Form GSTR 7. Also, the certificate for such TDS deducted shall be made available to the deductee in Form GSTR 7A based on return filed in GSTR 7.

The Tax deductor has to furnish the Certificate of Deduction ( TDS Certificate GSTR 7A) to the deductee apart from the return, which shall include:

  • The contract value,

  • The rate of deduction,
  • The amount deducted,

  • Amount paid to the appropriate Government and

  • Such particulars as may be prescribed in this behalf.
  • When to file GSTR-7?

    The GSTR-7 for a particular month can be filed upon the completion of that month.

    The last day for filing this return is before the 10th of the following month. (E.g.: If you are filing the GSTR-7 for March 2018 then, you have to file it before the 10th of April 2018.)

Required Documents

  • Our Price

    Service Price GST Total
    GSTR 7500.0090.00590.00

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